HTML testing

Welcome to the OurX Beta! Now that your product has arrived, here are a few reminders about the Beta Program to help you get started:


  • Use your personalized OurX regimen for 8 weeks
  • Provide us with your feedback about the experience
  • Send us before & after pictures and a testimonial about your beta testing experience


  • Match you with a dedicated OurX Mentor, who will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your regimen
  • Provide you with access to a textured Hair Expert
  • Use your feedback to adjust our product offerings before we launch to the public

Need a reminder on how to use your products? View your regimen details here.


What’s Next:

  • Schedule your first meeting with your OurX Mentor here
  • Tell us your first impressions! Now that you’ve received your product, what are you most looking forward to about the Beta Program?
  • Respond with a pic of your new shelfie and any other feedback!
  • Rank your excitement 1-5
    Rank smell 1-5
    Rank packaging 1-5

    Please email us at for any questions, and we’ll be in touch!

    The OurX Team